What is Mother Roasting? A worldwide practice of warming moms immediately after giving birth and in the weeks that follow. It is very important to seal the gateways, which have been opened by birth, and to keep wind and cold from entering. The magnitude of change the body goes through after labor is almost incomprehensible. Massive amounts of amniotic fluid and blood loss severely deplete the new mama from day one. Add to that sleep deprivation, fluctuating hormones, and more fluid loss as breast milk passes out of the body. Keeping the abdomen warm internally using warm diet, and externally using moxa or warm blankets can help bring your spine back into alignment, compress loose skin, and allow your organs to settle back in their proper place. The practice of heating is energizing, strengthening, and repairs tissues, nerves, and blood vessels that have been weakened from pregnancy and birthing This featured service is aimed at supporting the new mother around two weeks postpartum. The warming method uses moxa treatment to encourage circulation of blood and vital energy in the abdomen, and to comfort and honor the mother at this transitional moment. |